
2466. Count Ways To Build Good Strings

hyunkookim 2025. 1. 13. 18:52

2466. Count Ways To Build Good Strings




class Solution:
    def countGoodStrings(self, low: int, high: int, zero: int, one: int) -> int:
        mod = 10**9 + 7
        dp  = {}

        def dfs(length):
            if length > high:
                return 0

            if length in dp:
                return dp[length]

            # if low <= length <= high:
            #     dp[length] = 1 # 현재 길이 
            # else:
            #     dp[length] = 0
            dp[length] = 1 if length >= low else 0
            dp[length] += dfs(length + zero) + dfs(length + one)
            return dp[length] % mod

        return dfs(0)

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