m x n 의 2D 행렬(matrix) 문제에서
- Brute Force 알고리즘 (DFS 사용) => Time: O(2^(n+m)), Space: O(n+m) <---- dfs, 재귀 사용
# Brute Force - Time: O(2 ^ (n + m)), Space: O(n + m)
def bruteForce(r, c, rows, cols):
if r == rows or c == cols:
return 0
if r == rows - 1 and c == cols - 1:
return 1
return (bruteForce(r + 1, c, rows, cols) +
bruteForce(r, c + 1, rows, cols))
print(bruteForce(0, 0, 4, 4))
- 메모이제이션(memoization, cache) => Time: O(n x m), Space: O(n x m) <---- hashmap 사용, Top-Down 방식으로..으로..
# Memoization - Time and Space: O(n * m)
def memoization(r, c, rows, cols, cache):
if r == rows or c == cols:
return 0
if cache[r][c] > 0:
return cache[r][c]
if r == rows - 1 and c == cols - 1:
return 1
cache[r][c] = (memoization(r + 1, c, rows, cols, cache) +
memoization(r, c + 1, rows, cols, cache))
return cache[r][c]
print(memoization(0, 0, 4, 4, [[0] * 4 for i in range(4)]))
- DP => Time: O(n x m), Space: O(m), m 은 열 개수 (# of cols) <---- Bottom-Up 방식으로..
# Dynamic Programming - Time: O(n * m), Space: O(m), where m is num of cols
def dp(rows, cols):
prevRow = [0] * cols
for r in range(rows - 1, -1, -1):
curRow = [0] * cols
curRow[cols - 1] = 1
for c in range(cols - 2, -1, -1):
curRow[c] = curRow[c + 1] + prevRow[c]
prevRow = curRow
return prevRow[0]
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